Archive | May, 2024

Birthday 2024

30 May

I’m on vacation from thinking about the future.

This year I’m gonna quit my job. If the payout doesn’t come through by June. I said this last year. June. Then it was December. Before that it was when I had $20,000. Then $50,000, $100,000, $200,000. Now half a million, right? I hope so because the jump to a million’s too long. I’d be 50 probably. Interest rates, treasury yields won’t be high by then. High enough to sink that money into T bills. Get $50k a year plus my writing money–

My mom says it’s a bad idea to quit. My AA sponsor. My best friend. My–can’t say girlfriend yet. I did ask.

But it’s a nuisance, and gay, to do another man’s life’s work.

I need to make more from writing. I’m talking to you personally. If you’re not a paid subscriber to my Substack within 12 hours of reading this–I know who you are. I know where you live. If you’re not a paid subscriber within 12 hours of reading this I’m going to come to your house. And I’m going to (REDACTED) you. I’m going to (REDACTED) your family. First I’m gonna beat your ass in front of your girlfriend with Muay Thai. If you have any grappling this is not about you. Then I’m gonna We Need to Talk about Kevin you with a bow and arrow. Continue reading